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SPAN’s suite of research-based, practical workshops empower participants to effectively navigate cross-cultural transitions and equip them to support others in their community. SPAN understands that every school or organization is unique, so we customize our training to enhance support for each community’s distinct needs. Available virtually and in-person, our workshops cater for students, parents and staff, allowing for a comprehensive approach to fostering positive transitions-care within and between schools and/or organizations.

Our current workshop offerings include (but are not limited to):


  • The Experience of Transitions: Reframing transitions so that we’re looking from the perspective of those actually making the transitions provides important insights into our policies, programs and practices. This workshop is tailored for staff seeking to foster well-being through intentionally designing meaningful transitions experiences for students, parents and staff. 

  • How Positive Transitions-Care Cultivates Identity and Belonging: “The need to attach to a community is a given at all phases of the transition cycle. The prudent and responsible international school sees its own role and responsibility in being that community and transitional object people can attach and hold on to - both when they’re new and after they leave.” (D.Ota)  This interactive workshop explores effective strategies for school leadership and staff to equip and support students, families and staff navigating transitions, fostering an authentic sense of identity and belonging in your school community 

  • Positive Transitions for Learning and Life: Tailored for students or parents, this enriching workshop focuses on Identity and Belonging for Cross-Cultural Kids (CCKs) and the process of transition. Participants gain valuable insights, language, and practical tools to navigate their unique transition stages, manage emotions, and address unresolved grief. These knowledge and skills enable individuals to proactively embrace the transition process, thrive in the face of challenges, and play a pivotal role in nurturing a culture of transitions-care within the school community.

  • Best Practice in Helping Students Transition to International Higher Education: Explore effective strategies for guiding students through international higher education transitions. Learn how well-managed transitions can enhance cross-cultural learning experiences, equipping students with essential 21st-century skills for thriving in diverse settings. This staff or parent workshop draws upon the latest research on transitions-care, provides a springboard for school and university sector leadership conversations and supports participants to help their students thrive as they transition from school to higher education anywhere in the world.

  • The Process of Transition: Life is a continuous journey of transitions, spanning from birth to the end of our days, encompassing roles as arrivers, stayers, and leavers. “As long as life is going to be full of plot twists, why not spend more time learning to master them?” (B. Feiler) This engaging and adaptable workshop, suitable for students, parents, or staff, provides the ideal learning opportunity to develop transitions navigation skills that underpin mental wellbeing and resilience. Equipped with valuable tools to comprehend the process of transition, students, parents, and staff gain agency and confidence in navigating any of life’s transitions, contributing to a deeper self-awareness and stronger emotional wellbeing.

  • Introduction to Positive Transitions-Care: This workshop for schools, parent associations and organizations offers insights into the essentials of positive transitions-care. Addressing fundamental questions - What is positive transitions-care? Why is it significant? How can it be embedded into a school or organizational community?—this session leverages the latest research, policies, and practices to equip participants with vital knowledge for fostering a culture of care and well-being in international educational settings.


Catherine M. Mathieu,
World Bank Family Network Coordinator

Collaborating with SPAN has been a strong and meaningful experience and benefitted many World Bank Group parents. By starting with concrete examples of behaviors and emotions, then bringing the science behind, their message is powerful and open new ways for seeing ourselves, our feelings, our minds.


Ammy Davies Potter,
Director of Guardianship and Inclusion for Boarding Schools' Association

Jane Barron and Valérie Besanceney recently delivered an engaging, interactive and thought-provoking webinar focusing on how transitions affect one’s sense of identity and belonging. In addition to providing insight regarding what to expect in terms of emotions during the various stages, they discussed practical strategies that could be used to support both staff and students.

Staff comments, American Embassy School, New Delhi

It was very interesting to learn the different experiences our AES families have. I think it was balanced with presentation and break out rooms ... Loved the tone and healing effects these workshops have, thank you! What worked well was the interactive nature of the presentation between, Jane, Valérie and the break out sessions. The practical strategies and giving parents time to warm up.

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