'The Nest' is a free monthly online gathering of transitions-care providers worldwide. Grown out of the need for connection in the coronavirus crisis, we join together to discuss a transitions topic with special guests in a conversation guided by Aleka Bilan, SPAN's 'The Nest' Host.
After the plenary session, there is time for small break-out rooms, to chat with each other around that topic, and return to the group to share more ideas. For safety and trust, the rooms and discussion afterwards are not recorded, but we do summarize the thoughts and ideas as an addendum to the main recording.
If you would like to access the archived episodes of The Nest, please become a member.
Season 6: Mark your calendars and register for our 2024-25 monthly episodes below:
PREVIEW: The most recent episode of 'The Nest' below on the topic of: How are we caring for the Stayer students,as out-of-cycle Leavers go? This month's topic with special guests Amber Godfrey (UNIS Hanoi), Tim Stokes (AES), and Claudia Bean (CAC). For the full episode, join us as a SPAN Member.
Join us for our next episode of 'The Nest' on the topic of: How are you supporting families who are staying? with our guests in a conversation guided by Aleka Bilan, SPAN's 'The Nest' Host. Register below.
- Thu, Jun 05Zoom