Useful Links for further reading
Please find below a list of blog posts and PDFs that you may find useful as you deepen your understanding and practice of positive transitions-care:
Further Reading by SPAN Members:
Barron, J. & Mahoney, E. (2020): Surveying the Landscape: Common Practices, Challenges and Opportunities in International School Transitions-Care:
Ota, D.W. (2014). Safe Passage: How mobility affects people & what international schools should do about it. Great Britain: Summertime Publishing.
Blog posts on Transitions by Valérie Besanceney:
CIS (SPAN Supporting Member) related blogs:
Five ways to embed transitions-care within and between schools
Student mental health and well-being: Supporting students in transition from school to university
You belong here. The scaffold of belonging is everybody’s business
Transitions care when educators move between teams and schools
Five ways to improve international student healthcare when they transition to university
Unpacking well-being part 3: What did students teach me about well-being?
Resources created for SPAN Events:
A-Z Brochure by Leo Thompson (CIS School Support and Evaluation Officer) for SPAN Symposium October 2022